Musgrave Mineral's Cue Project

Steve de Jong
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Robert Waugh, Managing Director of Musgrave Minerals, engaged in an interview with Steve De Jong, CEO of VRIFY, to shed light on Musgrave Minerals' Cue project.

During the conversation, Robert Waugh showcased the remarkable Cue Gold Project situated in the Cue region of Western Australia.

The Cue Gold Project, operated by Musgrave Minerals, is a new high-grade gold opportunity progressing towards standalone development in the well-endowed Murchison District of Western Australia.

Utilizing VRIFY Video, Robert illustrated the immense potential of the Cue Gold Project, with the exceptional high-grade nature of the near-surface gold mineralisation including multiple intercepts in the top 100m, of 100 cumulative gram x metre gold intervals and the opportunity to discovery more deposits.

Musgrave’s strategy is to expand their 2022 Mineral Resource Estimate of 927,000 gold ounces at the Cue Gold Project through exploration and discovery whilst progressing development studies towards first gold production.

Results from the Stage 1 Prefeasibility Study display compelling financial metrics with an IRR of 95% and strong cashflows.

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Steve de Jong
Chief Executive Officer

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